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Given as a manual speech

January 16, 2001

By H. C. Hobbs, Club #2065, District 64

	How would you like to be able to come to Toastmasters every week without
feeling a lot of pressure? Pressure brought on by the fear that only a few members will be
there. Fear that the VPE is going to stick you again for a major program job which will
require a lot of preparation during the time between meetings. Have you ever found
yourself thinking; "If only the club had a few more members, things would be so much
	Membership building doesn’t just benefit the club but it benefits both old and new
members. New members bring new ideas to the club and we all learn from them. More
members means more people to do the various duties on the program. Wouldn’t be nice to
come to a meeting just once and find you are not scheduled for any duties because the
program is full?  Look at our executive. Many members have served more than one term
of office and sometimes more than once in the same position. Sometimes we have
members of the executive who are holding more than one office at the same time. New
members mean more bodies to draw from. Or are you currently on the executive? Maybe
you feel overworked and wish you had someone to help out. Having new members means
that you may be able to get assistance in carrying out your executive duties. 
	If you are a fairly new member, you also can benefit from membership growth. If
there are more new members it means you are amongst peers who are learning at the same
time as you. If senior members are less burdened with carrying the heavy duties on the
program every week,  they will have more time to spend mentoring you.
	In fact I would go further to suggest that the newer members of the club have an
exciting opportunity here. Doubtlessly you know people who can benefit from
Toastmasters that more senior members do not. Being new in the club, your reasons for
joining are very fresh in your mind. What a perfect opportunity to share your enthusiasm
with others.	
	Enthusiasm -- that is the watchword of what new members bring. When a new
member gives his icebreaker we remember our own beginning time in Toastmasters. As
members continue to develop through the Communication and Leadership program, we
see their progress and share in their success.
	I am sure all of you will agree with me that new members benefit individuals and
the club as a whole.  But you say: "We don’t have the resources to try to gain new
members We don’t even know where to begin". 	
	Toastmasters International has come to the rescue This brochure, which was sent
out to all clubs, contains exciting ideas for membership building contests and for an entire
membership campaign. 
	Participation will benefit both old members who are feeling the pressure of having
a lot of responsibility and new members who want to share their enthusiasm with others.
The ideas for these contests have been developed by the experts at our own World
Headquarters. So what I am offering you is a program developed by people with a proven
track record of success. People experienced at getting results. Our club doesn’t have to
spend time trying to find new ideas for increasing membership. There are four simple rules
for participation: 

1. Program must run between July 1st 200 and June 30th 2001

2. To receive credit that members name must appear as sponsor on new member’s

3. New and reinstated members count but transferred members do not

4 New member must join during contest period. 

          I’ve mentioned the general benefits of participating in membership contests but
there is even more in this unique and exciting offer from Toastmasters International. For
clubs there are banner ribbons. Any club that has twenty members or a net growth of five
members at the end of the contest period will receive a ribbon. Each week members and
guests can look with pride at our club banner with new ribbons. If one member of our club
is going to the District conference that person can take the Club banner. How proud he or
she will feel when they walk in the parade of banners and receive recognition from all the
other clubs for the fine work your club has done in membership building. 
	There are also  personal incentives for every participant. In order to get personal
credit for new members, your name must appear on the Application for Membership form
as the new member’s sponsor. The new member must join during the time period specified 
	You can earn a Tell a Friend pin by sponsoring five new members.
	Sponsor ten and you get a Gold Star pin
	Sponsor fifteen and you receive a Toastmasters necktie or scarf.
	Your participation in these contests has to be a win-win situation. By sponsoring
new members, you benefit because club meetings are more interesting and varied. You
also benefit by getting some pins or items of clothing that you can wear with pride. These
items are not offered every time Toastmasters International has a contest. These items will
be a lasting reminder of your success. Wearing them with pride will allow you to share
your success with others.
	You might say "I cannot sponsor five members. I don’t know enough people." If
you cannot sponsor five -could you sponsor three? This year District 64 is accepting
nominations for the Jack Gillespie award. If you live in an area outside the city of
Winnipeg, you can be nominated for this award by sponsoring three new members. 
	I’m sure you are convinced that holding membership contests benefit the club and
its members alike. I now want to share with you the nuts and bolts of putting a
membership campaign together as well as give you ideas on a couple of smaller
membership contests you can participate in. They are all  fun and easy to do and I’m sure
that when you understand what is involved you will be even more convinced that your
club should participate.
	I will give you details of the campaign first. This is the biggest undertaking of the
three. Yet look how TI has set this up in five easy steps for you to follow. 
How many members did you start with?
What is your goal?





	A membership campaign like this should be fun and exciting. That in itself should
make your club eager to participate. Yet there is more in this unique proposal. You will be
able to enter the Top 5 Membership Campaign .Here is all you have to do			

	Separate your club into teams and challenge each team to sign up guests and bring
out new members. Send details of your club campaign to World Headquarters. If selected,
your club will receive recognition at the Hall of Fame ceremonies during the International
Convention. Your ideas may even be published in the Toastmasters Magazine or another
Toastmasters International publication.
	If you still are uncertain as to how to conduct a membership building contest, you
can contact World Headquarters to get your free copy of the brochures "Membership
Building" and "A Simple Membership Building Contest".
	You might say "The year’s half over. Isn’t it a bit late to start a membership
	It is never too late to talk up the benefits our organization offers. However if you
feel you cannot manage an all out campaign you club can participate in two membership
	Talk up Toastmasters runs from February 1 - March 31, 2001. Nor is it hard to
take part. All you have to do is hold a guest night and if you can add five new members
during this two month period., and you can earn another banner ribbon for your club.
	Finally there is a third contest  for any club who want to end the year with a bang.
If your club can add five new members between May 1 and June 30 2001 you can earn a
Beat the Clock award. Toastmasters International will send your Club one item from the
Better Speaker Series or the Successful Club series.
	You can see that Toastmasters International has developed exciting and interesting
Membership Building Contests. Members can go for individual recognition. Or you can
help your club by participating in a membership campaign or the Talk Up Toastmasters or
Beat the Clock Contests. There can be no question that participation in membership
contests or the membership campaign not only benefit the club, but individual members as
	I urge your club executive to begin at once to decide how they can best participate
in either the membership campaign or the Talk up Toastmasters or Beat the Clock
Campaigns. Better yet go for all three. You’ve nothing to lose and think of what you can
gain. Think about the individual awards for members. Think how great those ribbons will
look on your banner. How proud you will be if your membership building ideas are
presented in an article in the Toastmaster Magazine or if your club executive is invited to
the Hall of Fame ceremonies. Or if your club has extra educational materials to place in
the club library.
	 After this meeting I want every member to go home and make a list of all the
friend and associates you have who might benefit from Toastmasters. Then phone or email
them and invite them to a meeting. Remember that the majority of people who join
Toastmasters do so because of a personal invitation from someone like you. Help a friend
or a business associate take that first step. You and they will be glad you did.


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